Affiliated with the...
The PPOA is a volunteer based support group in Colorado Springs, dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who have  or will have an intestinal or urinary diversion.

Justus Anderson, President               719-310-7032 

Bob Chapman, Vice President           719-351-4826

Kenda Copp, Secretary                      719-200-8330

Harlow Perrijo, Treasurer

Nancy Rudisill, ET Nurse                   719-365-1224
Memorial Hospital

ET Nurse                                            719-776-5621
Penrose Hospital

Leading Ostomy Magazine
The Phoenix Magazine is the official publication of the United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc.
The Phoenix Magazine
P.O. Box 3605
Mission Viejo, CA 92690


If Colorado Springs is in COLD WEATHER REPORTING conditions per radio or TV, the meeting is cancelled.

If we need to cancel meetings due to weather or for other reasons, we will post that information on the web site and send a group email about the cancellation.

Please use your discretion whether or not to venture out to the meetings during inclement weather. 

Click Here to Sign up for the email distribution list.  
Please include your name, email address, and phone number.
Pikes Peak Ostomy Association
Beginning in September, we will meet in-person on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the cafeteria at:

Encompass Health Rehab Hospital
325 Parkside Drive, Colo. Springs, CO 80910

Please enter through the front door and tell the receptionist that you are there for the PPOA meeting. He or she will direct you to the cafeteria.

HOWEVER, our in-person meeting for October will be at Anderson Acres with a barbeque. Contact Justus at the email below for more information.

We also have Zoom video meetings (Happy Hours) on  Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., except for the Wednesday before the Saturday in-person meeting. There will be no Zoom meeting that Wednesday.

Please email Justus for the link at:

We hope to see you there.

Don't forget, you can join our group on Facebook at Pikes Peak Ostomy. This is an excellent place to connect with other ostomates. It's a private group, so only your friends in the group will know you're a member. 
(Don't be shy about asking to join! :)
Pikes Peak Ostomy Association Initial Membership Is $12 And Then $12 Per Year, On 1 October Each Following Year.

PPOA contributions are tax deductible and are used for:

​- Dues to our parent organization, The UOAA
- Web site fees
- Zoom membership fees for virtual meetings
Gifts (Youth Rally, Friends of Ostomates Worldwide, etc.)

Contact our president, Justus Anderson, with any questions or use the form on last page to mail them in. Thank You!